Montag, 11. Dezember 2017

Cupid can go and suck it !

The subject is L.O.V.E.

So many people have asked me over the years what my problem might be because I can come across as grumpy at times. Quite simply put, I had my trust and my heart broken just too many times to not be a cynic. So it used to be that my problem used to be that I used to fall into love quite simply and very easily when I was young and naive. Those times are now so far behind me that they are basically right in front of me again. In my life of now 35 years I had 2 relationships that I would describe as formative a.k.a. meaningfull and a boatload of affairs of the heart that were more akin to an emergency emotional top up then anything else. Interestingly enough it was never me who ended neither the meaningful nor the other kind, so yes , I have been dumped a lot, like really a lot. These experiences have not succeeded in closing up my heart to love , but just like any other kind of rejection I had been subjected to they lectured me into keeping my heart tightly wrapped up in an impenetrable fortress of doubt. You know , in german we call being rejected by someone whom you have romantic feelings for "getting a basket" , and believe you me , I got so many baskets in my life that I basically own the basket industry by now. But well , live is tough and as we also say in german it is not a pony farm, so you don't always get what you want especially concerning mares and stallions. It used to be that i was so bitter that whenever I saw people holding hands or showing public displays of affection I thought to myself "UGH! WHY OH WHY DON'T YOU DIE and while you're at it get a room you stupid jerks". It didn't take me long to discover that that was a very unhealthy way of approaching the world and especially the happyness of other people. So at some point I decided to firstly just not be jealous of other peoples joy and secondly I devised a way to partake in it. It might sound silly, but instead of allowing jealousy to darken my thoughts, I just declared all those lovely couples in love. You know the whole "Sigh .... young love" thing, and what can I tell you, it worked. It even worked so well that after a while if it was opportun , for instance if I was "trapped" in an elevator with a teenage couple making out, I would just ask them if I should declare them in love. Funnily enough it was mostly the women who would without hesitation cry YES PLEASE, while the guys would very often give me a slightly irritated look.

As love is complex , so is the declaration, I could just declare a group of people in love with a simple 
"I declare you in love", or I could go all out for intance at weddings this would be my blessing for the newlyweds:

I declare you in love eternal
may you be each others
keeper and guardian
may your love be a shining beacon in dark times 
and guide you through the rough seas of live
may your passion warm you in the coldest night
may your souls be bound to find each other
throughout the mists of space and time
may you experience love eternal
may you be joyful and content forever

So yea. I suppose that got me through a few rough years being a single. But now I feel nothing can lift my spirits sustainibly no more. This gnawing emptyness pertruding from my stomach just wont leave me alone, and I feel it is my soul yearning for its mate. So please, can somebody find me someone to love ? I dont like to reiterate myself , but I feel like a waterfall pouring out my love into the emptyness of whatever emptyness is made of. Can someone find a lake for me to fill ?

I have to warn u guys though. This is not an easy task as I am challenged concerning my standards. It's not that I only date models or anything like that , but I do have certain aesthetical preferences and I won't appologize for that. Also I am bisexual, so that means I don't know if the mono thing is the right for me , so I suppose I'm kinda looking for a throuple kind of situation although I have no experience in the poly business. And then there is the qustion of power games in a relationship. Spoiler Alert I despise them. I don't have time for anyone who thinks they can change who I am to suit THEIR needs. I deserve someone who can appreciate that I am right for them despite all my flaws and kinks or maybe exactly because of all of them. I am not perfect and I never will be so I come as a package deal with all my eccentricities and shortcomings, take it or FUCK OFF.

#TLDR I'm quitting you guys, you gotta find yourself another one to play the lone wolf. So if it's not too much of a bother could you please assemble my pack ? And by the way in my team everbody is a chef, but if you'll ask me nicely I'll be the BOSS.

So what do you say Humanity, do you accept my challenge ?

And for all of you who fetishize about Bonus Points, go and google Denobulans

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