Montag, 30. Oktober 2017

I plead the 5th !

Being an artist is all about making decisions. I know it sounds like a cliche but you just shut up! Honestly being an artist means at least to me to mke decisions and sticking with them which is commonly knows as keeping it real or staying true to oneself. Although when push comes to shove, there is only one decision that truly is imperative and that is the decision to place trust in yourself. But not only into what you percieve as rationaly opportun, but also into what makes you feel right .

And as there is no absolute truth but that there is no absolute truth , there is no rule without exception. Exeptionally but truthfully, not everything that feels right might be rationaly opportun and vice versa not everything that is rationally opportun might make you feel right.

Finding guidance in this mist of choices can be a challenge at times. However Occams Razor should be in every twilight wanderers arsenal of analytical tools. Once you peel away every Spekulatius and don't forget about the cat from the house of schroedinger you'll soon begin to see how the cookie crumbles.

Never to forget the motto of the state of lower saxony i pledge,

"sturmerprobt und erdverwachsen"

Alles für den Davckel alles fur den Blub

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