Dienstag, 10. Oktober 2017

Something we all adore

The following statements have been made under mild influence of being under such. I shall not be liable for any confusion that arises through their reception. Also I try to be as inoffensive as possible but at times I can be a bit crass in the choice of words or metaphors to illustrate certain levels of elevated emotional response to certain miscommunications due to what is commonly known as the human condition.Also the video choice is ironic so get over yourselves you apostles of false morals

**********Finally I hear them say .... finally somebody thinks about the children !  [remixed Simpsons reference]**********

So uhm yea, i haven't been writing that much lately (haha have you seen my last post ? It's been like ages ) and maybe I'm just not a writer or at least like a blogging person or maybe I'm just more a fanperson of the spoken word or maybe I just lack a proper subject or the proper motivation to write down my thoughts and such on the issues that I feel need to be adressed and worked through  so that there can be something I would suggest to call Full Love Penetration or FLP for short.

So what is it that I would like to propose by assining a three letter acronym to an abstract construct like a possible state that society could be in , and that is the answer inself. So this possible state that society could be in that I assign the tag FLP to what is it supposed to be and how can we achieve it ?

That are 2 questions and I shall adress the separately 


Actually this idea of a concept called FLP just came to me like an hour ago on my way home. I was , as usually trying to understand why there is conflict between humans or at least why there is violence between humans and how one could go about solving these conflicts and end suffering and violence

Those are again 2 subproblems or actually 3 if you count conflict as problem in itself, but I shall in the effort of being brief only adress suffering and violence at this point and begin with the later.

--Why is there violence ?
puh thats a tough one , but i'll give it a try . You know you guys (and gals and unicorns and whatnot) violence is a dirty whore. She comes in many types , it can be STRUCTURAL, meaning that a system is designed to incentivize behaviour that can be against one owns best self interest. It can be direct and physical, and in this context it is most often used to either intimidate and coerce or to defend, whatever be it someones honor (for whatever that is supposed to mean) or even someones life. It can be psychological by nurturing a certain kind of dependency or it can even be totally accidental. But to explain what FLP is I have to ceteris paribus this motherfucker (meaning that I shal not give a in depths analysis but work with a constrained model in which most variables are fixed and only one or a few a variable) . So IMHO violence has three main sources. Ignorance, Structural Pressure and Malice. The first two we can cure with education , reason, compassion , innovation and such , malice however is a fickle bitch. Let's just adress the Elephant in the room the Problem are the Sadists, and I don't mean those adorable SM couples who like to play kinky domination games, but I mean those bastard motherfuckers who like to jizz of to other peoples pain. Those people are like a social pathogen in my opinion, but unfortunatelly we can't just kill them all , cause that would not be the right thing to do. Well, call me a naive little child but I believe we can get those dicktwads if we all just work together and make it clear to them that they can get with the program and hop on the love train or they wont be invited to after party and we will not let them have coke ever again and they will have to drink exclusively Pepsi light or water and so on you know

puh what a heavy birth

-- why is there suffering
like honestly I'm exhausted from all this writing maybe I should do like a vlog .... but honestly who wants to listen to me blabbering about. So anyways. Suffering has like a plethora of like causal influences a.k.a. reasons.

It has been formed in my mind the opinion that while there exist people who inflict suffering upon themselves for various reasons, there exists within a subset of people who do so because they are biochemically addicted to the state of being sad most suffering is inferred upon unwiling victims by people either guilty of ignorance or malice and my policy on those issues has been made clear above.

So how can we in a sense liberate people who are stuck in their pathogenic ways and a slave to their suboptimal socialisation ? How can we make sure --- but wait... who are we anyways ?

So I feel that there are many people who dont like conflict and who seek harmony and who understand that it is a 2 way street in the sense that as we say in german the forest reflects any sound you make.And we understand that no one is without flaw and we are all sinners so maybe we should just postpone the stoning and so on . And we feel that a world where everybody can be themselves without fear of ridicule or being opressed or or or ... I mean come on people we all know the deal

Hell, why am I even writing this

Everything doutable has to be doubted

there is no absolute truth but that there is no absolute truth

No rule without exception

Punk is what you make of it

Sapere Aude

Holla die Waldfee

Tschö mit ö und der Tschüssikowski grüßt auch

# memo an mich selber , möglicher bandname für meine post-progressive stoner rock crossover dubstep syntie pop kapelle : DAS UMLAUT KOLLEKTIV !

Love and Peace and all that Jazz

L'Chaim ihr Schmocks

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