Sonntag, 6. Dezember 2015

Give some love to the Mouse people

There is a book by Terry Pratchett called "Interesting Times" where he satirically describes an alternate version of ancient China. In this alternate China one of the more common curses is "May you live in interesting times" conotating the turmoil and chaos socalled interesting circumstances may often bring with themselves. These days I often think about this phrase as the world we live in gets more and more interesting every day. Alas it seems noone wants to embrace the chaos or dance with uncertainty when it is so much easier to retract oneself under a cozy blanket of fear and prejudice against the unknown. Nowhere has this become more openly apparent than during the current refugee crisis. While there are those who appreciate the hardships of living in a warzone and the resulting desire of stability and non-life-threatening sourroundings (especially if you have kids), there are those who feel that there is an invasion going on . I don't want to talk about numbers now. I don't want to talk about the responsibilities of the socalled Western nations for this war. I want to talk about basic human decency. And I'm not gonna talk about the necessity of aforementioned decency towards the refugees, as it is extended by loads of warm hearted people who volunteer at shelters. I'm talking about the decency that needs to be extended towards those that can not let go of their fears. Who for some reason can not control their naturalistic impuls of jealosy, which by the way is a little evolutionary heirloom from the time when dinosaurs roamed the earth and humans basically were tiny rodents. These ..... let's call em Mouse people have hijacked human society with their unwillingness or maybe inaptitude to adapt to changing circumstances. And I've had it with them. If we other humans don't act fast and help them to see the beauty in variety and understanding of that which is not the same as that which we know, I fear we will soonish be living in even more interesting times, but unfortunatelly not the good kind.

So maybe the next time you have an interaction with a Mouse person and they bore you with their anxieties and trivial paranoias, just give them a hug and some love. And then explain to them why they are evolutionary lagging behind, or if they are religiously inclined remind them of the basic tennet of what it means to be human... compassion.

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