Sonntag, 20. Dezember 2015

A weekend workout

I'm lazy today, this was my last weekend

- Glühwein and Schnaps at a friends place

- Martha van Straaten @ Regisratur

- dance ,dance, dance

-get invited to a house party for the next day

- come home at 7.30 wake up at 11
- Train with brothers  from 13 to 17

- going to Schwabing at 21 to the house party

- talk, talk, talk, dance,drink,smoke,talk,dance


- coming home at 6ish

- train from 14 to 18

- try to stay awake at least another 2 hours
- fall into a deep sleep at around 21.ish

Montag, 7. Dezember 2015

A night on the town

So this might be a bit late, but this Saturday I decided to go out and have some innocent fun , so here is my account of this weekend.

I started out right around the corner from my house at Maierbräu, which has been around for decades and thusly qualifies as an institution. As usually the atmosphere was laid back even though a foosball club had a very liquid and very lively celebration of winning a tournament and some girl and a pack of her friends were celbrating her 29th birthday. I however was not yet in party mode and my only mission at this point was to get my throat wet with the first beer of the evening.

I enjoy the atmosphere at Maierbräu because it hasn't changed much in ages. Apart from a few details like the altar or some funky hares the hole decor is still very 60ish and the people are very communicative. So after some remeniscing about the late 80ies with my neighboor at the bar, I headed out into the night to see what was up at Marat which is like the only place in Munich that has a radical crowd.

Everyone knows that if you frequent this place, the Verfassungsschutz (like the NSA) will know about it. So I smiled for the cameras as I entered and was pleasently surprised to learn that tonight was punk rock night and dinner was already being served.

In places like Marat you will very often get food during concerts that is labeled as "Volxsküche" or "VoKü" which translates to peoples kitchen. It's always vegan, and mostly unseasoned but it is always a good basis for a night of heavy drinking.

So my next stop didn't take me too far away, I just had to cross the street to go into Südstadt which is a rock pub with excellent food, foosbal tables and a darts machine. The later was my reason for going there. That and it was still too soon to go to Gruam. So I ordered a few shots and played some darts against myself which I won. Being bored with playing against myself I played against time 701 single out and scored a 5.41 run as a reference for the future. After that I was challenged to a duell which I nearly lost but then due to some clerical error won with my final turn netting me 180 points (not shown in the picture).

So the final stop of the evening was "Gruam" which translates to pit. It is a traditional bavarian "Boatzn" which translates to beer pub with conotations of shady and rundown. "Gruam" however is not a beer pub but my favorite club in Munich although its only as big as a shoebox, or a standard sized New York studio appartement.

They used to be straight electro and only open Thursday to Saturday, but then the owner changed, they opened on wednesday, the beer price went up and now the also have HipHop and Reggea nights. This night started out with HipHop which was not too bad as I could get out some dance moves I had forgoten I had and then gradually changed over to RnB and Soul and then to smooth elektro.

At some point a girl asked me if I had 3 papers and I said yes if she would let me partake in the product she was intending to produce. She agreed told me to wait for her and was never seen again ;-(

At some point I decided that it was already 5 in the morning and I had to take care of my bed so I went home on the way to which I found this amazing christmas tree.

So in the spirit of the season be jolly

Peace Out

Sonntag, 6. Dezember 2015

Give some love to the Mouse people

There is a book by Terry Pratchett called "Interesting Times" where he satirically describes an alternate version of ancient China. In this alternate China one of the more common curses is "May you live in interesting times" conotating the turmoil and chaos socalled interesting circumstances may often bring with themselves. These days I often think about this phrase as the world we live in gets more and more interesting every day. Alas it seems noone wants to embrace the chaos or dance with uncertainty when it is so much easier to retract oneself under a cozy blanket of fear and prejudice against the unknown. Nowhere has this become more openly apparent than during the current refugee crisis. While there are those who appreciate the hardships of living in a warzone and the resulting desire of stability and non-life-threatening sourroundings (especially if you have kids), there are those who feel that there is an invasion going on . I don't want to talk about numbers now. I don't want to talk about the responsibilities of the socalled Western nations for this war. I want to talk about basic human decency. And I'm not gonna talk about the necessity of aforementioned decency towards the refugees, as it is extended by loads of warm hearted people who volunteer at shelters. I'm talking about the decency that needs to be extended towards those that can not let go of their fears. Who for some reason can not control their naturalistic impuls of jealosy, which by the way is a little evolutionary heirloom from the time when dinosaurs roamed the earth and humans basically were tiny rodents. These ..... let's call em Mouse people have hijacked human society with their unwillingness or maybe inaptitude to adapt to changing circumstances. And I've had it with them. If we other humans don't act fast and help them to see the beauty in variety and understanding of that which is not the same as that which we know, I fear we will soonish be living in even more interesting times, but unfortunatelly not the good kind.

So maybe the next time you have an interaction with a Mouse person and they bore you with their anxieties and trivial paranoias, just give them a hug and some love. And then explain to them why they are evolutionary lagging behind, or if they are religiously inclined remind them of the basic tennet of what it means to be human... compassion.

Sonntag, 29. November 2015

So yeea , like I'm using like Instagramm now. So , like yeeaa .

So like you may have noticed this blog has been in sleep mode for a while , though I still totally stand behind all the previous posts. It's hard for me to constantly update it , so now I am trying to outsmart myself by coupling it with instagramm so maybe that will force me to contribute regularily. We'll see how it goes.

Cheers and keep the Hearts flowing ;-)

PS: I'm also gonna check out vine pretty soon-ish