Freitag, 29. Januar 2016

Silence is golden a.k.a. why I lived without a smartphone for 2 weeks

So this year started with a lot of technical difficulties. First my internet broke down for a week , then my computer began acting up , and finally my phone broke. Luckily enough it was still on warranty and I could exchange it. However through some twisted act of chance the device I got which was supposed to be brand new, was actually a brick and couldn't be bothered to start up. Due to some hyperprofessional work of my account manager I got a new device right the next day , which was so kind as to start working once I turned it on. However it must have been with the union as it shut down after about an hour and was not to be started up again. So I got one of those phones that only do calls and sms . It even had a vga camera and u wont believe it a fm reciever, so I could listen to radio as long as i didnt go anywhere with thick walls . It was quite a different mobile experience and at some point I'm gonna write a little more detailed report on how live is with a stupid phone.

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