Donnerstag, 9. Oktober 2014

Munich U-Bahn in the Morning

This morning I was on my way to a lecture and I saw this girl in the U-Bahn and thought I had to document her effortless uniqueness. She pulled off a pretentious look unpretentiously. Unfortunatelly I didnt have much time to take the shot as I had to get off , so the lighting is a bit off, and I might have chosen a better framing, but I guess this qualifies as a quick and dirty shot. Thanks to the model for being so cool about being asked to be photographed by a total stranger. What you don't see on this picture is the amusement in the faces of the people around us when I mentioned I would put the picture on a blog called berlincansuckit ;-)

1 Kommentar:

  1. Oh, thanks :) This is one of my favorite outfits :) If you want to see what I was wearing on my hair:
