Mittwoch, 22. Oktober 2014

Fighting the good Fight

So organizing a demonstration in Munich is always a bit of a gamble because mobilizing is a bitch in this city that is very unpolitical. I assume its because people feel secure with what they have achieved, and Munich is full of achievers, mainly of the over kind. As a Rebel and Revolutionary  underachieving the best I can is a full time job, but surprisingly enough I do have time to voice my opinions in the streets. To not be put in the loony bin, I try to do so only when there is some kind of mob around me to give my action some kind of relevance.

The banner I helped design

             So this weekend there was some kind of an oversupply of mobs to follow as if my city wanted to show me that even in the underachievers entertainement sector it could overachieve. So the first mob I had the pleasure of solidarizing with , was voicing their opinions about the situation in Kobane and the whole question of the kurdish state. There were roughly 200 people holding up banners one of which I even helped design. Around half of the people though, I would argue didn't really care about the kurdish question, but used this demonstration to create visibility for their own political positions, which they disguised behind general demands like seen in the picture below.

who would disagree with this ? 

The second mob was a demonstration against surveillance and for more privacy. It was organized by two high-school students, and there was a singer songwriter singing anticapitalist songs between bits of anti-surveillance hipi hop and electro songs. This mob was significantly smaller with only 30 or 40 people at most, but they very cleverly stopped at the a choking point between Marienplatz and Marienhof which was bustling with shoppers who then had no choice but to be subjected to the anti surveillance message.

The surveillance truck of the Police that documented the anti surveillance protest

I wonder though, why are there nearly 10 times as much people demonstrating for a cause that is thousands of miles away then for a cause that concerns every one right here. My answer is simple. The workers movement is blind and still stuck in the last century. My suggestion to them is to modernize their defintion of class and their language to appeal to modern day consumers or be smashed by modern day capitalist marketing.

Also I met this girl from Dresden who sported this wonderful look that I just had to capture ;-) She seemed to be aligned with the OccuPeace Movement.

Freitag, 17. Oktober 2014

Only in Neukeferloh

So I just climbed atop a garage to get a better view of orion in this wonderful crispy clear night sky and for the first time I could see the bow, yay ! And while I climbed it back down with catlike agility, I thought to myself 

"Parkour ? We used to call that climbing on stuff !

~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~       ~~~~~ ~~~~~***********~~~~~   ~~~~~~~''''''''''''''''''''~~~~~~~   ~~~~~***********~~~~~
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                   Lost                                         in                                    Translation
  ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~~~~~~~  ~~~~~***********~~~~~   ~~~~~~~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~~~~~~~
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    ~~~~~ ~~~~~***********~~~~~   ~~~~~~~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,~~~~~~~   ~~~~~***********~~~~~
     ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ich kletter also grad auf diese Garage um einen besseren Blick auf Orion in diesem kristallklaren nächtlichen Sternenhimmel werfen zu können und zum ersten Mal kann ich den Bogen sehen , yay. Orion ist so ein tolles Sternenbild weil man es so leicht erkennen kann , und seitdem ich es das erste Mal gesehen habe kann mich Ursa Major nur noch mäßig begeistern . Wo bei mir einfällt dass ich den kleinen Bären schon eine Ewigkeit nicht mehr gesehen habe, hoffentlich wurde es nicht vom Jäger erlegt. Aber mal ganz im Ernst, so eine sternenklare Herbstnacht habe ich schon lange nicht mehr gesehen und in der Stadt schon erst Recht nicht . Na gut vielleicht bin ich auch einfach nur euphorisiert weil ich grad von Bogenhausen nach Neukeferloh mitm Radl gefahren bin und zwischendrinn hab ich sogar ein Rennen gegen einen Bus gewonnen. Wobei wenn ich ganz ehrlich bin glaube ich das des ja nur passiert ist weil der Bus gar nicht mehr auf der Wasserburger weitergefahren oder irgendwo abgebogen ist. Aber mir war das egal ich hatte ihn ja  schon eine ganze Haltestelle gejagt und als ich dann an den Aussteigenden in einem Affenzahn vorbeiflog hab ich nur noch mehr Vollgas gegeben um mir einen guten Vorsprung rausarbeiten zu können. Als der Bus mich dann bis zur nächsten Haltestelle nicht eingeholt hatte ließ ich meinen inneren Gorilla sich auf die Brust trommeln und genoß den Weg raus aus der Stadt in einem gemütlicheren Tempo.

Ja und irgendwann lasse ich mich dann also mit katzenhafter Agilität von dieser Garage herab und denke mir 

"Parkour ? Früher nannten wir das klettern ! 

The DreamerIn Munich

So I came across this girl who looked dreamily into the distance when I realized her shoes very effortlessly matched her hat, so I had to take a picture of her. She was a bit sceptical at first wanting to know what kind of pictures I put on my blog but when I told her it was to paint a picture of Munich that would hopefully rectify its bad reputation she was on board ;-)

Donnerstag, 9. Oktober 2014

Munich U-Bahn in the Morning

This morning I was on my way to a lecture and I saw this girl in the U-Bahn and thought I had to document her effortless uniqueness. She pulled off a pretentious look unpretentiously. Unfortunatelly I didnt have much time to take the shot as I had to get off , so the lighting is a bit off, and I might have chosen a better framing, but I guess this qualifies as a quick and dirty shot. Thanks to the model for being so cool about being asked to be photographed by a total stranger. What you don't see on this picture is the amusement in the faces of the people around us when I mentioned I would put the picture on a blog called berlincansuckit ;-)