Montag, 19. Februar 2018

[004] So I just watched...

... the second episode of the 4th season of High Maintenance and I just loved it. The subtle lovestory between the black Dude and his Lady was just delightful. And the palpable feminine moon energy of the second storyline was just amazeballs. I can't remember when I last felt so empowered.

[003] So I just watched....

....Everything Sucks !, and so should you. It's poifect.

Donnerstag, 15. Februar 2018

[002] So i just watched

Stargate Origins and before I say anything else, I have to say this. I have had it with foreign movies using actors to impersonate germans and especially Nazis who when they speak german are either very apparantly non-native german speakers, or worse Austrians. However I give the Nazi Commander 4 out of 5 Hails for his fake nazi accent. And the german Fräulein gets 5 out of 5 Hails  because she is actually german.

Donnerstag, 1. Februar 2018

[001] So I just watched...

Downsizing and i have nothing to say about the movie.

On a sidenote though I put forth a motion to the floor to give Hong Chau an Oscar !